Daily Korea 2023.12.11 17:13
Original source: https://daily.hankooki.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1029997

[Daily Korea Reporter Byeong Tak Kim] SEONG-AN announced on the 11th that it has placed its first purchase order under a contract to supply American rare earth oxide (NdPr Oxide) with MP Materials.
In July, SEONG-AN signed a contract with MP Materials to purchase 240 tons of rare earths per year.
The rare earth oxides are scheduled to arrive at the Port of Incheon in Korea in late December. Starting January next year, SEONG-AN plans to manufacture rare earth metals, a raw material for permanent magnets, through a mass production based on rare earth raw materials from the United States.
SEONG-AN is strategically planning to establish production bases both in Korea and overseas locations, including factories in Vietnam. With a focus on comprehensive quality management and enhanced production capabilities for large-scale production, SEONG-AN has opted to initiate its first purchase from MP Materials in Korea.
SEONG-AN has been preparing since early this year, and it is scheduled to begin full-scale commercial production next year.
A company spokesperson emphasized, "Given the recent intensification of export controls by the Chinese government on various rare minerals and raw materials, it holds significant importance for us to be the first Western company to import non-Chinese rare earth raw materials from the United States. We're already fielding inquiries regarding non-Chinese rare earth-based metal products."
He further added, "Initiating with this first import of rare earth raw materials from MP Materials, we aim to fortify our collaborative ties in the future. This will be achieved through careful production oversight and the advancement of new business ventures built on mutual trust."
Daily Korea 2023.12.11 17:13
Original source: https://daily.hankooki.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1029997
[Daily Korea Reporter Byeong Tak Kim] SEONG-AN announced on the 11th that it has placed its first purchase order under a contract to supply American rare earth oxide (NdPr Oxide) with MP Materials.
In July, SEONG-AN signed a contract with MP Materials to purchase 240 tons of rare earths per year.
The rare earth oxides are scheduled to arrive at the Port of Incheon in Korea in late December. Starting January next year, SEONG-AN plans to manufacture rare earth metals, a raw material for permanent magnets, through a mass production based on rare earth raw materials from the United States.
SEONG-AN is strategically planning to establish production bases both in Korea and overseas locations, including factories in Vietnam. With a focus on comprehensive quality management and enhanced production capabilities for large-scale production, SEONG-AN has opted to initiate its first purchase from MP Materials in Korea.
SEONG-AN has been preparing since early this year, and it is scheduled to begin full-scale commercial production next year.
A company spokesperson emphasized, "Given the recent intensification of export controls by the Chinese government on various rare minerals and raw materials, it holds significant importance for us to be the first Western company to import non-Chinese rare earth raw materials from the United States. We're already fielding inquiries regarding non-Chinese rare earth-based metal products."
He further added, "Initiating with this first import of rare earth raw materials from MP Materials, we aim to fortify our collaborative ties in the future. This will be achieved through careful production oversight and the advancement of new business ventures built on mutual trust."